How to Print
on the Blog Post,
Click on the Free Printable image (it's the Black & White image)
it will open in a new tab / window,
Save Image & then you can Print (A4 size).
These Free Printable Images are available for personal use ONLY (Non-Commercial) and not to be distributed / sold in any way.
Image is in A4 size (29.7 x 21 cm)
There are usually :
- 1 image in A4 size
and if you want to work on smaller size :
- 2 images in A4 size (will give 2 x A5 size images)
- 4 images in A4 size (will give 4 x A6 size images)
The ones with more than 1 image will have dotted lines for you to cut.
Before you print, .... Make sure to check the specification of your printer for max paper thickness / media weight, to avoid a paper jam on your printer.
In fact, my Printer (with a Front loading Tray) can only take up to 200 gsm watercolor paper.
But my sis's Printer (with a Back/Rear loading Tray) can take thicker 300gsm watercolor paper.
I usually print on a regular sketchpad/drawing paper (+- 150 gsm)
because It's affordable, it's thick enough and I find it works fine for these projects,
even with watercolor, as long as I don't use too much water on the paper.
Of course when working with watercolor/gouache, you may want to print on watercolor paper for best result,
(I prefer 300 gsm, cold pressed, 100% cotton, watercolor paper)
Or you can always go to your Local Print shop,
Ask if they can print on thick paper, (up to 300 gsm)
bring your own watercolor paper,
and print it there.
otherwise, you can draw them yourself :)
or even print on regular paper and trace onto thicker paper or watercolor paper.
most importantly,
StART with what you have and Have Fun !!
Ubi Lucu
CARA PRINT Gambar Gratis dari Ubi Lucu :
di Blog Post :
Klik Gambar Gratis nya (Gambar yang Hitam Putih),
dia akan terbuka di new tab / window,
lalu Save gambar & di Print (ukuran A4).
Gambar Gratis ini hanya boleh digunakan untuk Penggunaan Pribadi, dan tidak boleh di distribusikan / dijual.
Gambarnya ukuran A4 (29.7 x 21 cm)
Biasanya tersedia :
- 1 Gambar ukuran A4
dan kalau kamu mau yg ukuran lebih kecil :
- 2 Gambar dalam kertas A4 (jadi 2 gambar ukuran A5)
- 4 Gambar dalam kertas A4 (jadi 4 gambar ukuran A6)
Kertas dgn lebih dari 1 gambar, sudah terdapat titik-titik garis potong.
Sebelum kamu Print, .... Cek dulu Spesifikasi Printer kamu untuk maksimum ketebalan kertas nya ya, untuk menghindari resiko kertas nyangkut di printer.
Printer ku (model Front Loading Tray) sebenarnya hanya bisa print kertas Cat air 200 gsm.
Tapi Printer adikku (model Back/Rear Loading Tray) bisa print kertas lebih tebal, 300 gsm.
Aku biasanya print di kertas gambar biasa (+- 150 gsm)
karena harganya terjangkau, cukup tebal, dan cocok untuk kegiatan di Ubi Lucu.
dipakai untuk Cat air juga bisa, selama melukisnya gak terlalu banyak menggunakan air ya.
Tentunya kalau mau melukis dengan Cat air / gouache, lebih baik pakai kertas Cat air.
(Aku pakai kertas Cat air 300gsm, cold pressed, 100% cotton)
Atau kamu bisa ke tempat Print (Print shop)
tanya mereka bisa print di kertas tebal (s/d 300 gsm)
bawa kertas cat air mu sendiri,
dan print disitu.
selain itu, kamu juga bisa gambar sendiri :)
atau print di kertas biasa dan di trace ke kertas Cat air.
tapi yang paling penting,
Mulai dengan Apa yang kamu punya & Have Fun !! :)
Ubi Lucu